The Independent Voter Project (IVP) and its sister organization the Foundation for Independent Voter Education (FIVE) published IVN, to be a new kind of news network and provide unfiltered political news and policy analysis from across the political spectrum.

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An open-editorial platform

IVP is committed to the belief that democracy functions best when the most people participate. We started IVN because, unfortunately, today’s political climate discourages such a participatory democracy and alienates independent-minded voters. The news currently being presented by traditional media outlets only furthers to alienate independent-minded voters by presenting a narrow "two-sided" discussion of complex, multifaceted political issues.

That’s why IVN has a unique open-editorial platform that allows independent contributors from all walks of life to publish their own stories. IVN established and operates according to four clear Etiquette Guidelines, which all editors, contributors, and participants must respect.

The IVN Etiquette

No Partisan Attacks
No Self-Promotion
Substantiate Sources
No Personal Attacks

Founded on an etiquette, not an ideology

At IVN, solutions are more persuasive than talking points, and participation is not conditioned on your party affiliation.

IVN continues to be the only nonpartisan open platform (that we know of) founded not on an ideology, but an etiquette.

It is that foundation that allows us to be one of the few places to find news and information about truly nonpartisan election reform. And, reform saw historic victories in 2018.