Full Voter Participation

San Diego's Measure K

In San Diego, prior to the 2018 election, a local “50%+1” rule was a loophole known to every political insider. This allowed candidates with significant Name ID to “win” the election outright in low-turnout June primaries.

In fact, more than half of San Diego’s elections never even made it to the general election ballot.
READ MORE: THe Success in San DIego
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The “50%+1” rule was just a typical election loophole known to every political insider, to the detriment of voters.

But, with the success of Measure K and companion Measure L, now prevent the City of San Diego from electing candidates and passing initiatives in low-turnout primaries.

That success then expanded to the County of San Diego where the voters passed Measure D just two years later. This eliminated the "50%+1" loophole for the entire county.

Democracy functions best when the most voters participate.

Most voters assume that the important stage of the election is the general election. That is why turnout is often DOUBLE that of a primary.

Before Measures K&L, a loophole allowed elections to end at this early stage.

What Measures D, K & L did was eliminate the confusion, close the loophole, and ensure that important decisions are made when the most people participate.

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