SIGN THE PETITION: Make The Secretary of State's Office Nonpartisan
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California Secretary of State Goes National to Help DNC Control Elections Across the US

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla is planning to help the DNC unseat 4 Republican secretaries of state in 2020 while he is still serving as CA's top elections administrator and regulator.

Padilla says he will not conduct this campaign in his official capacity as California secretary of state, but as chair of the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State. In other words, in his capacity as a party officer, because he is loyally invested in the success of the Democratic Party.

"Things can be great here in California but we have a vested interest in how things are playing out in the quote-unquote battleground states across the country," Padilla said in an interview for CalMatters.

Secretary Padilla published a video detailing the specifics of his campaign.

So while Padilla is overseeing California elections, asking voters to trust that he will put party loyalty aside, he will be working behind the scenes to increase the amount of control his party has over the administration of elections in other states.

Imagine if an umpire in Major League Baseball was not only the catcher of one of the two teams playing, but was intentionally and unabashedly trying to influence the outcome of League games to benefit his team. The umpire might say, "Well, these are not games I am officiating," but could anyone trust this person to call balls and strikes impartially?

Of course not.

This is why the Independent Voter Project believes the umpire of our elections shouldn't be playing for either team, and ask voters to join us in demanding that the secretary of state office be nonpartisan.

Sign the petition TODAY to end the partisan administration of elections.

SIGN THE PETITION: Make The Secretary of State's Office Nonpartisan

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