South Carolina

Voter registration data provided by and in collaboration with L2 Data, a trusted provider of nonpartisan voter data.

Percentages are rounded to the nearest hundredth decimal.

Last Updated: October 1, 2024.

All States
Primary Type
Open (Partisan)
Open (Partisan)
Party Registration Statistics
  • Total Registered Voters: 3,554,826
  • Democrats: 1,052,495 (29.61%)
  • Republicans: 1,589,115 (44.68%)
  • Third Party/Other: 42,234 (1.19%)
  • Unaffiliated: 870,982 (24.51%)
  • Election Litigation

    None currently underway.

    Major Parties

    Democratic, Green, Independence, Labor, Libertarian, Republican, United Citizens, Working Families

    Independent & Electoral Reform Organizations

    None found.